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Ethovision XT 11.5


Video-tracking software used for various behavioural tests.



Olfactory tests


Buried food, habituation-dishabituation, odour discrimination, odour preference


Social tests


Social interaction (adult and juvenile),

Social defeat,

Sociability cage,

Cognitive (learning/memory) tests


Barnes maze,

Morris water maze,

novel object recognition,

passive avoidance,  




Motor/sensorimotor tests


Adhesive removal,

beam break, cylinder,

grip strength,

home-cage locomotor activity,

pole test, rotarod, rotational behaviour, staircase,

Depression/anxiety tests


Elevated plus maze, 

Light-dark boxes,

Novelty suppressed feeding,

Open field,

Porsolt forced swim,

Sucrose preference, 

Tail suspension


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FRI  06, 09:30 AM

Lab Seminar
Vikash Saini

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